Get ready to quit
You are four times more likely to quit successfully if you use a combination of specialist support from your local stop-smoking service as well as stop-smoking medication.
Get free support from your local stop smoking service
Smokefree Somerset is your free local Stop Smoking Service provided by Somerset Council. It provides expert advice, support and encouragement to help you stop smoking for good. Our stop smoking support sessions provide a friendly and supportive environment to help you through the early stages of quitting smoking.
Find your nearest support session where you can receive support to stop smoking. Or contact us to find out more.
Our support services

Why quit?
Stopping smoking is the single best thing you can do to improve your health and lifestyle. Once you stop smoking, some of the benefits are immediate and some are longer-term.
Smoking and your physical and mental health
Tobacco smoke contains many poisons which when inhaled, enter the bloodstream and can cause harm to the body. Learn more about what smoking does to your body and mind.

Smoking and your wealth
The average smoker has 13 cigarettes a day, which works out to around 364 cigarettes a month. That is approximately £2,500 a year that you could save by not smoking!
How much could you save?
Savings per week:
Savings per month:
Savings per year: